
tisdag 3 december 2019

Essay (Gender inequality should be banned)

What is the first thought you think about when you hear the word equality? Personally, the first thing that comes up in my mind is equality between women and men. If we consider society today, there is no justice between genders. The most laws and formal rules give the same rights and make the same demands on women as men but the society is much more than laws and written rules that’s why the most of those laws are not enforced in real life. However, will equality between men and women ever occur?
Equality means that men and women should have the same rights and opportunities in all cases, in addition no one should be treated differently because of his gender. Everyone should have the same right to decide on their bodies and sexuality, and the same opportunities to influence society and their own lives.
Firstly, I think that the equality between men and women is still a burning issue, since the establishment of the feminism. Although they have achieved a lot of convergence of rights and have worked to improve the status of women in the society, but there is no doubt that they still have some aims that they could not achieve yet.
Despite a very positive development of gender equality in recent year, such as woman’s right to equal opportunity, education and in employment. However, there still exist incidences of gender disparities in various occupations and careers. The history mostly shows men in the positions of power and higher payment. I think it can be difficult to get society equally in a brief period. It’s a process that started a few decades ago and it will take a while before we get equality and equal treatment in the case of job payments. For instance, in many professions women continue to earn less than men, and are less likely to advance in their careers compared to men. Thus, the real gender equality in workplaces can only be attained when employees have access to and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of whether they are a woman or a man.
On the other hand, some women today think that feminism get a bit more aggressive toward men and the men have become victims of women’s ego and that women have had enough of their rights. But this thought is wrong because in many countries, a lot of women still deprived of their most basic rights, such as education, expression of opinion and employment etc. Furthermore, there is a part of men who believe that women should stay home and take care of their children, cook and tidy up the house. 
All human has the right to work and to the same employment opportunities. Wherefore I think that the business organizations should therefore strive towards the removal of barriers to the full and equal participation of men and woman in the workforce. Men and women should have equal chances to employment opportunities based on their qualification and competence.
In the conclusion I think that workplaces should eliminate any forms of gender discrimination on the grounds of marital status, pregnancy or maternity. The achievement of gender equality in the workplace is not only fair, but also very important to get a good working environment which lead to a brighter future and better society.
This text is a contribution to the debate about equality between women and men and what is the rights women lacked until now. I hope you get a more straight attitude towards women after reading this text.

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