Every year, we are noticing new undeniable climate events and evidences that climate change is happening in real. Some of these evidences are the sea levels rising, global temperature rising, warming oceans, melting ice sheets, declining Arctic sea ice, extreme temperature, ocean acidification, and reduced snow cover.
None of these events is a hoax, none either is fake. We can’t anymore consider that climate change doesn’t exist or that it’s just a propaganda to scare people. Climate change can’t be denied or ignored any longer, it is a real issue and we have already a lot of researches that confirm that all living beings are suffering from it. Climate change is a controversial environmental topic in today’s society and it directly threatens our survival. The whole issue is caused by a lot of factors and global warming is one of them. The most visible climatic change is the melting of the ice- sheets at the poles and the rising sea level due to elevated temperature. The rising sea level itself is a big problem, by the time it will be the reason for the sinking of some big cities such as New York, Sydney and Mumbai.
Despite the scientific evidence seems to be very clear, there are many people who for several reasons believe that the climate change is not empirically verified, which is disappointing because our future is at stake. According to national geographic.com, the major reason for global warming or climate change is human being who is releasing heat-trapping gases, for example, carbon dioxide. So, in case to solve this problem, what can we do to slow global warming? It is simple, Carbon dioxide is the climate’s worst enemy. It’s released when oil, coal, and other fossil fuels are burning, by using less of it we can curb our own contribution to climate change. However, there are many steps which every individual can take in order to control our contribution to climate change. Thus, every person can make a difference.
Here are some steps everyone can do:
· Drive less and cycle more.
· Eat less meat, especially beef.
· Change light bulbs to LED lights.
· Wash clothes in chilly water.
· Stop cutting down Trees.
· Control of Methane Leaks etc.
In conclusion, I wish that after reading this text, everyone will contribute to raising awareness about the need for a solution to this complicated issue that threatens our planet.
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